Top 50 Motivational Quotes in Hindi for Whatsapp
Whatsapp has been one of the greatest facets of interconnection in this century. It has been a bridging medium for those wanting to reach out to their friends from afar. On this page, you might find it most helpful to mince yourself with the Top 50 Motivational Quotes in Hindi to share on Whatsapp.
छोड़ दो किस्मत की लकीरों पे यकीन करना,
जब लोग बदल सकते हैं तो किस्मत क्या चीज़ है…
यदि हार की कोई संभावना ना हो तो जीत का कोई अर्थ नहीं है…
समस्या का नहीं समाधान का हिस्सा बने…
जिनको सपने देखना अच्छा लगता है उन्हें रात छोटी लगती है
और जिनको सपने पूरा करना अच्छा लगता है
उनको दिन छोटा लगता है…
आप अपना भविष्य नहीं बदल सकते
पर आप अपनी आदतें बदल सकते है
और निशचित रूप से आपकी आदतें
आपका भविष्य बदल देगी !
एक सपने के टूटकर चकनाचूर हो जानें के बाद
दूसरा सपना देखने के हौसले को ज़िंदगी कहते है !!!
वो सपने सच नहीं होते जो सोते वक्त देखें जाते है,
सपने वो सच होते है जिनके लिए आप सोना छोड़ देते है…
सफलता का चिराग परिश्रम से जलता है !!!
जिनके इरादे बुलंद हो वो सड़कों की नहीं आसमानो की बातें करते है…
सत्य परेशान हो सकता है पराजित नहीं…
मैं तुरंत नहीं लेकिन निश्चित रूप से जीतूंगा…
सबसे बड़ा रोग
क्या कहेंगें लोग…
आशावादी हर आपत्तियों में भी अवसर देखता है
और निराशावादी बहाने !!!
आप में शुरू करने की हिम्मत है तो,
आप में सफल होने के लिए भी हिम्मत है…
सच्चाई वो दिया है जिसे अगर पहाड़ की चोटी पर भी रख दो
तो बेशक रोशनी कम करे पर दिखाई बहुत दूर से भी देता है.
संघर्ष में आदमी अकेला होता है,
सफलता में दुनिया उसके साथ होती है !
जिस जिस पर ये जग हँसा है
उसी उसी ने इतिहास रचा है.
खोये हुये हम खुद है
और ढूढ़ते ख़ुदा को है !!!
कामयाब लोग अपने फैसले से दुनिया बदल देते है
और नाकामयाब लोग दुनिया के डर से अपने फैसले बदल लेते है…
भाग्य को और दूसरों को दोष क्यों देना
जब सपने हमारे है तो कोशिशें भी हमारी होनी चाहियें !!!
Though Whatsapp can look like your average chatroom, it also inclines to unite minds even in the virtual world.
This is to keep the spirit of humanity alive as you connect with people in every moment. The way how we move the hearts of men in a positive manner can achieve in the same degree in a chatbox, such as in Whatsapp.
The connection is in the air, my friend, and a little word of encouragement is a click away in their screens.
After all, you can spread the positive vibes by sharing in this word. Read these Motivational WhatsApp Statuses in Hindi with Images which will Inspire You in your sad moments.
The Ingredients of Staying Motivated
What makes our virtual connection very interesting is that we can leave posts or messages for a longer time in a chatroom. It enables us to resonate better with your readers.
But how are we going to have such good thoughts and blissful wishes to peers and loved ones if we don’t get ourselves motivated also?
Whatever feeds the mind could dictate our outward expression of things. So how do we keep ourselves dosed in motivation despite hectic schedules, over-familiarity of things, and the clutter of life’s worries?
1. Build the Habit
You will never get used to the optimism if you’ve never made small steps towards gaining it. For instance, if you soaked to a challenge to sulk, you can always share motivational quotes.
2. Post it
You can sometimes run out of those quotes when you needed them the most. Creating a collection of those references in your phone notes helps. Even making a tangible list in your room or by the fridge would be very effective.
Besides, you’ll be seeing our suggested WhatsApp Status that you can use later on this page, so stay tuned.
3. Create Designs
Creating colorful or artistic backgrounds for a specific quote will always look good. It can catch or call your attention faster which is helpful when you most needed it. There is something that pictures and colors can complete when combined with words.
So when you got your motivational quote here, make it attractive, okay?
4. Share
There is always more heat when you join with those who are also flaming. Motivation becomes more compelling when you share it with friends. It gets special when talking about their personal experiences.
Though you can motivate on your own, try sharing it often with friends on WhatsApp. No other motivation would be most rejuvenating but a group of peers and loved ones that get the positivity with you in the chorus.
5. Smile
Though others may not see it, putting up a smile in your face no matter what can give you a head start. In every good thing, there is always a bad side. Yet, in every bad thing too, there will always be a good side.
If this is the case, then why not seek an optimistic view of everything that you see. Know that there will always be something good in the ashes.
Above all, you’ll never be able to influence motivation unless you are not motivated. The quotes are here to help but the best thing is to pump yourself with the decision.
Take the right decision which will help you to stay motivated. Feel free to make these motivational quotes an emblem in your day. Stay motivated, and color your friends’ worlds with positivity. In other words, Smile!