Biker Quotes and Sayings for your Memorable Journey

Americans love to bike, aren’t they? It is already common knowledge that many people in America love to ride their Harley across states. Even diverse motorcycle clubs are abundant in the United States, and many people believe that their amount won’t decrease soon. This means that biker quotes are also famous there.

What makes the bikers hang on with their choice instead of having a good car (even though I am pretty sure they can afford it) is because biking is fun! Yes, fun is a great way to describe biking for most people.

You will get a pleasant feeling once you feel the breeze of the air in the countryside road. Not only that, but it is also challenging for most people.

Riding motorcycle requires higher concentration and not-to-mention that you need a quick reflex in case something unpredictable happens.

But this does not make people eagerly rides a motorbike. Die-hard motorcycle fans do exist, alive and kicking. They are ready to travel with their beloved Harley anytime unless there are travel restrictions.

Also, as the motorcycle is demanding in the US, biker quotes and sayings are gain their fame. Every time people want to go somewhere with their beloved road girl, they love to see some biker quotes and sayings to make them in a riding mood.

How to make your ride adventures with motorcycle quotes?

Riding is adventurous; you never know what you will encounter during your travel.

Experienced bikers usually know this better, and of course, understand the bike-survival guide either. But do you know that some people have certain rituals before riding?

Usually, people will start their riding day with breakfast and some coffee. But it is not enough to begin your fun-harsh road biking day. Before you begin the journey, most people will pray.

There are some of them -instead of praying- read some biker’s quotes for their good luck charm.

Although it sounds ridiculous at first, hey… people got their values and belief that they hold.

We are no one to judge; we are no God.

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But how can we make our riding schedule way more fun with some motorcycle quotes? The answer is simple.

Quotes act as a remembrance and mood booster. Whenever you feel saddened, you read some quotes to make your mood feel better; or when there is something in your mind, you read quotes to enlighten it.

It does apply perfectly in the motorcycle riding. If you somehow feel a lack of motivation or sleepy, read some motorcycle riding quotes.

It is guaranteed to make your riding experiences more intimate and exciting!

Why Biker quotes are so Famous in the United States?

Bikers are famous in states, and so do bikers’ quotes. In fact, there is a considerable growth of motorcycle registration across the United States.

As reported from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there is a boom for motorcycle registration from 1997-2007. The registered motorcycles amount is almost doubled during 2007 with 7.138.476 new registered bikes, while the sold bikes are almost quadrupled compared in 1997.

(see: This Report)

With more fans of the motorbike, it is evident that people tend to see motorcycle quotes as it is relatable to their lives.

However, another fact why motorcycle-related quotes are famous in the United States are maybe related to the high crash. Although the statement seems debatable at first, the statistical data shows it.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in the US mentioned that there are 13 cars from 100.000 who are responsible for the fatal accident. While the motorcycle is way higher, to be exact 35 times more top risk than a car (72 per 100.000).

Moreover, according to NHTSA, the fatality of the motorcycle’s passenger are way higher than other road vehicles.

It can be seen that in 2017 alone, the motorcycle occupant fatality rate is 59.34 from 100.000 vehicles, way higher than light trucks (7.52/100.000), and cars (10.05/ 100.000).

See This Report for more info.

This shows that bikers need some good-luck-charm and sort of motivation in order to survive. Motorcyclist needs to focus more on the road as the death rates are much higher.

This is where motorcycle riding quotes shines the most; they provide the so-called good luck charm (perhaps for some people) and remembrance that all of the riders need to be careful and avoid such road rage.

Where to find the best quotes for bikers or motorcycle riders?

Inspirational motorcycle quotes are hard to get, especially if you don’t have any recommendations from someone expert. I have spent a considerable amount of effort surfing on various websites to support my biking hobby.

After a long-time-searches on the internet, suddenly there is one website which piques my interest,

Not only they have a bunch number of quotes related to rider-daily-life, but some rare biker quotes are also there. What makes it more exciting is, you are free to use it anytime, how convenient.

What’s make it more interesting: it is pretty easy to download the quotes. Firstly, you only need to have a considerable internet connection and a smartphone or PC.

Open the website, see your favorite quotes, and download them. It is that easy! Then if you are eager to share the biking spirit with your friends, you only need to share it from Facebook, Instagram, and maybe even your twitter followers!

Spread happiness with quotes!