150+ Very Sad Shayari in Hindi Images To Share on Social Media

Have you ever felt sad, cry, and your heart seems to be pierced from the inside? I bet you already experienced one of those feeling for at least one time. But talking about sadness, do you know that sad Shayari in Hindi can pull you from the pool of sorrow?

Here is Very Sad Shayari Hindi for you

हमारे शहर आ जाओ , सदा बरसात रहती है
कभी बदल बरसते हैं , कभी आखें बरसती हैं…

हज़ारों महफ़िल है, लाखों मेले हैं
पर जहाँ तुम नहीं, समझ लेना हम अकेले हैं..

कहता है ज़माना जिसे प्यार, सज़ा है , खताह है
हमने भी की है मुहब्बत , इसलिए हमे भी पता है..

हमें देख कर जब उसने मुँह मोड़ लिया,
एक तसल्ली हो गयी चलो पहचानते तो हैं।

सामने बैठे रहो दिल को करार आएगा ,
जितना देखेंगे तुम्हे उतना ही प्यार आएगा..

कभी फुर्सत मिले तो सोचना जरूर,
एक लापरवाह लड़का क्यों तेरी परवाह करता था…

Now let’s continue this post….

But what is Shayari itself? Don’t worry pal; I will tell you briefly. Shayari means poetry, an art of arranging words into profound sentences.

In creating such a good Shayari, the consistency of rhyme and the choice of words are the most paramount aspects. No wonder some legendary poets can create some long-lasting poetries, even there are some of them capable of constructing a very sad Shayari in Hindi

Poetry resembles heart and mind; the poet creates them based on human thought. But with the great development of technology these days, Shayari changes its form; they manage to evolve into HD images.

Now, you can see many sad Shayari images collection around the world, even among your peers!

Why Sad Poetry on Love is Popular Among Youngsters?

We often call youngsters as hot-blooded adolescence. Being in the puberty period, almost every teenager has a hard control over their emotional state. Puberty makes them searching for their identity, and many youngsters become wild, hard to control, and naughty. Besides, people are starting to falling in love with their peers regardless of their gender in this period.

Here are Sad Poetry in Hindi For you

माना की आज हम अकेले रह गए
जुदाई के आंसू आंखो से बह गए
रोते हुए को कौन चुप कराएगा
जो चुप कराते थे वहीं रोने को कह गए !!

एक अजीब सा मंजर नज़र आता है,
हर एक आँसूं समंदर नज़र आता हैं,
कहाँ रखूं मैं शीशे सा दिल अपना,
हर किसी के हाथ मैं पत्थर नज़र आता हैं|

जिस जिस ने मुहब्बत में,
अपने महबूब को खुदा कर दिया,
खुदा ने अपने वजूद को बचाने के लिए,
उनको जुदा कर दिया!

बाते तो बहुत करते हो,
इश्क-ओ-ख़ुलूस की तुम..!!
ज़रा अपने दिल में
तो देख लो में हु भी या नहीं….

पत्थरों से प्यार किया नादान थे हम,
गलती हुई क्योकि इंसान थे हम,
आज जिन्हें नज़रें मिलाने में तकलीफ होती हैं,
कभी उसी सक्श की जान थे हम.

दर्द से दोस्ती हो गई यारों,
जिंदगी बे दर्द हो गई यारों,
क्या हुआ जो जल गया आशियाना हमारा,
दूर तक रोशनी तो हो गई यारो..

आखरी बार तेरे प्यार को सजदा कर लू,
लौट के फिर तेरी महफ़िल में नही आऊंगा,
अपनी बर्बाद मोहब्बत का जनाज़ा लेकर,
तेरी दुनिया से बहुत दूर चला जाऊंगा.

जो दिल से करीब हो उसे रुसवा नहीं करते,
यूँ अपनी मोहब्बत का तमाशा नहीं करते,
खामोश रहेंगे तो घुटन और बढेंगी,
अपनों से कोई बात छुपाया नहीं करते….

किस्मत के खेल को, कौन जानता था,
जो आज मेरा हैं वो कल पराया होगा,
जानकर भी रोक ना पाते तकदीर की रवानी को,
किस्मत ने भी जाने कितनो को हराया होगा

कुछ नशा आपकी बात का है,
कुछ नशा धीमी बरसात का है,
हमे आप यूही शराबी मत कहिए,
ये दिल पर असर आपसे पहली मुलाकात का है…

बहुत कोशिश की मगर न भुला पाया main तुझको,
याद तुम्हारी सताती रही, चैन भी न आया मुझको,
सोते वक़्त भी चेहरा सामने नज़र आए,
क्या मिल जायेगा मुझको प्यार मेरा,
बस यही सोचते सोचते रात गुज़र जाये…

जख़्म इतना गहरा हैं इज़हार क्या करें।
हम ख़ुद निशां बन गये ओरो का क्या करें।
मर गए हम मगर खुली रही आँखे हमरी।
क्योंकि हमारी आँखों को उनका इंतेज़ार हैं।

Due to this reason, no wonder that Shayari on love in Hindi is famous among teens.

Uncontrollable love spirit, the wild lust, and the journey for identity are what make a teen a genuine youngster. With such unstable emotional behavior (in both gender), they start to look for their couple-potential anywhere and anytime.

For instance, in the class, in their neighborhood and clubs. But once they fall in love and get rejected, they have nowhere to go. The feeling of sadness slowly penetrates their heart, and they need something as a pain-reliever, or perhaps the anti-biotics for love rejection diseases. Don’t worry kiddos; sad Hindi poetry on love can help you heal!

Sad poetry in Hindi for love is a bunch of sad poems created by the greatest artists. When you ever feel like a speck of dust, read some of them will sadden you.

You will cry out loud, and your heartaches are alleviated in such a magical way. Sad Shayari Hindi mein is also a perfect medium for you to move on. After you got rejected, you can always take a look at sad Shayari bewafa; it is an excellent way for you to express your disappointment!

But for the one who just broke up, you will feel better if you read sad Shayari for GF, beautiful poetry about bereavement. This type of poem also tells everybody about how you are longing for love, missing your girl so much.

Maybe if you are full of determination, she will come back!

Why You Should Discuss Hindi Sad Shayari Before Sending to your Friends?

Listen! Although it seems ridiculous at first, you may not directly send all kinds of Shayari to your besties. Remember, this is a warning! But why? I have some solid reasons for this.

1. You need to find the best poetry to send

Giving such a mediocre sad Shayari for friends is not enough. To make them believe that they are way more valuable than the others, you need to provide them with the best!

The perfect poetries for them must include the reason why your bond with them worth more than a friendship. This kind of connection is what makes a friendship last forever.

2. Careful! Maybe your pal will get offended

Although people get offended many times, you don’t want it to happen to your best friend, right? Before you send him something crucial, one needs to know their mood first. You probably don’t want to ruin their mood because you give him some sad Shayari about life or other sorrowful stuff.

I promise everyone wants their friendship relation last forever, and this is a way to prevent it. 

3. Do you know what your mate problem is?

Before you send it to your pal, please understand their condition first. If you send him some sad Shayari on Dosti when they just fail their test, your way to soothe them will be irrelevant. Instead of giving them friendship quotes, why not send them a bunch of sad Shayari on Zindagi? It works way better.

My point is, you need to know their problem first before trying to make them better. A plain act without using your brain is some sort of stupidity, you know? 

What is the Best New Sad Shayari 2 Line for WhatsApp?

If you are talking about the best new sad Shayari, it can’t be any poetry scattered on the internet nowadays. As there are many different types of poems and internet self-proclaimed laureates, you need to find the best among the fakes!

Here are the best 2 Line Sad Shayari In Hindi

रहता तो नशा तेरी यादों का ही है,
कोई पूछे तो कह देता हूँ पी राखी है।

शीशे में डूब कर, पीते रहे उस “जाम” को,
कोशिशें तो बहुत की मगर, भुला ना पाए एक “नाम” को।

नहीं बस्ती किसी और की सूरत अब इन आँखों में,
काश की हमने तुझे इतने गौर से ना देखा होता

मेरी आँखों ने पकड़ा है उन्हें कई बार रंगे हाथ
वो इश्क़ तो करना चाहते है मगर घबराते बहुत है।

निकले हम दुनिया की भीड़ में तो पता चला की…
हर वह शख्स अकेला है, जिसने मोहब्बत की है!

हसीन आँखों को पढ़ने का अभी तक शौक है मुझको…
मुहब्बत में उजड़ कर भी मेरी ये आदत नहीं बदली

जो लोग बात-बात पर लड़ते रहते है न,
वो प्यार भी हद से ज्यादा करता हैं…

तलवार के घाव मिट जाते है
लेकिन बातों के घाव हमेशा याद रहते है…!!

पलकों की हद तोड़ के, दामन पे आ गिरा,
एक आसूं मेरे सब्र की, तोहीन कर गया।

अच्छा है आँसुओं का रंग नहीं होता,
वरना सुबह के तकिये रात का हाल बयां कर देते।

तुम दर्द होकर भी, कितने अच्छे लगते हो
खुदा जाने तुम, हमदर्द होते तो क्या होता

मेरा हाल देखकर मोहब्बत भी शर्मिंदा है,
की वो शख्स सब कुछ कर गया फिर भी जिन्दा है…

तुझे क्या खबर थी की तेरी यादो ने किस-2 तरह सताया
कभी अकेले में हसांया…… तो कभी महफ़िलो में रुलाया

लोगो ने रोज़ कुछ नया ही माँगा खुदा से,
एक हम हैं की तेरे सवाल से आगे नहीं गए….

However, there are several methods to find the best two-line Sad Shayari on the net and share it with your friends.

1. The best Shayari comes from notable artists

I don’t want to disregard all of the poets out there, but only a great artist knows how to make a great lyric in sad Shayari 2 lines. Understandably, some of the newcomers may have a good sense of rhymes, but the valuable laureate legends concern about something more aside from the words.

They can implement the sad feeling in it; whenever you can find a trace of sorrow flavor when you read his works, then the bard is the real champ.

2. The great Shayari has such a long history

If someone who proclaims themselves as a great poet in a short period, their ability is questionable. There are fundamental differences between talented poet and great Shayari maker.

Talented poets are still raw; they need to gain many experiences before able to create something excellent. Meanwhile, a great Shayari artist who has a long history is more trustable.

Yes, the second type is more likely better to send for your WhatsApp buddies.

3.      Look for the sad Shayari Whatsapp

Aside from the ordinary sad Shayari DP, you may find that there is a particular model exclusively for WhatsApp. Although there are also sad Shayari SMS, sad Shayari for WhatsApp will always be the best for you to share in the respective application.

How to Encourage People to Download Sad Shayari Images?

We don’t need to push people to download very sad Shayari images on their computers or smartphone. But if it is for the sake of their well-being, there are three practical steps to do it. Let me tell you how.

1. Make them drooling with enticing images

The first way to encourage people to do something that they don’t want is to introduce them. By showing off your wallpaper with sad Shayari to your besties, I bet that they will become interested soon. Furthermore, this plan will work better if you are able to manipulate their mood.

When they are depressed, you can come to them and showing the best images with sad Shayari you can find. I believe they want it immediately.

2. Give them the best website to download

Right, this is the second step from the first one. After you gain their attention, it’s the time to show them the most meaningful quotes and poetry website, suvicharimages.com! Yep, you are not wrong; suvicharimages.com contains the best Shayari that you will ever see.

Rather than searching non-stop in the vast world of the internet, this web provides anything your friends, and you seek! What’s make it easier, you only need to click sad Shayari photo download to copy it to your PC and smartphone successfully.

3. Ask your friends to share it with someone who is in needs

After you teach them how easy to click the sad Shayari Hindi download button and share it, here comes the last and crucial step. To encourage many people to download and read Shayari, we need to execute an oral marketing tactic.

Just ask your buddies to share with their friends, and in a short time, something big will happens. If you are lucky, they will develop a Shayari style; it means that the people near you cannot lives without Shayari, similar to how smartphones make their way to become a prime necessity.

After you did these three steps, congrats! You have successfully swayed your pals.

Where to find Saddest Poetry with Images

As all of you have understood, finding poetry on the internet is like finding a gem in the ocean. Everybody knows that the sea is deep and has various creatures inside.

Well, if you want to find great poetry with sad words, you need someone to give you the recommendation, instead of searching on the internet wildly.

Don’t worry; I will provide you with three best places to find sad poems.

1. Your mama 

Well, many elders love poetry— or so it seems. But seriously, if you want to find some of the saddest poetry in Hindi, I guess you better ask your parents first. As they have more spare time and joined the various group in WhatsApp, they become a perfect source of multiple quotes and poems. Who knows that they have some of the classic Shayari that you love.

2. Ask your friends

If your parents like the classic Shayari in Hindi, perhaps some of your friends are already modernized. With the globalization effect, younger people tend to collect more poems in English rather than in their mother tongue.

So, if you are in the mood to cry, perhaps you can ask your teen friends whether they have some saddest poetry in English or not.

3. Suvicharimages.com

Both on the top of it, I suggest you find your best poetry in suvicharimages.com website.

From English to Hindi, this website has them all. What makes it more exciting is, they make the saddest poetry with images downloadable and free. Now, that’s interesting.

While you usually need to pay to see some premium items, suvichar alleviates the competition to the next level. You won’t neglect the chance to go there, right?

Well, these are three different sources of sad Shayari status in Hindi that you can try to access.

Have a great time!

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