New Status in Hindi for WhatsApp, Facebook & Instagram | न्यू स्टेटस हिंदी
Using new status in Hindi among social media has become usual needs, not only for youngsters but also for older persons. Right now, many people search for new status not only for the sake of fun but also for the expression of sadness, happiness, praise, gratefulness, romance, and others thing.
Using the status which you intended to your family and lovers become common right now. In this post, you will get 400+ New Status in Hindi (न्यू स्टेटस हिंदी) for your loved ones to share on social media.
Also, although there are many statuses that you can employ for your loved ones, it categorized into three distinct themes.
Here are Superhit Status in Hindi
तुझे गरूर किस बात का है
मरने के बाद तेरे अपने भी तुझे छू कर हाथ धोएंगे
आंसू आएंगे तो खुद पोंछियेगा
लोग आएंगे तो सौदा करेंगे
ज्ञान से शब्द समझ में आते हैं
और अनुभव से अर्थ
आने वाले समय में रिशतों को बचाने के लिए
वक़्त दान अपनों के लिए सबसे कीमती दान होगा
रुतबा तो खामोशियों का होता है
अलफ़ाज़ का क्या वो तो बदल जाते हैं
अक्सर हालात देखकर
जब आप खुद को तराशतें हैं
तो दुनिया आपको तलाशती है
उस मुकाम पे आ गयी है ज़िंदगी
जहाँ मुझे कुछ चीज़ें पसंद तो हैं पर चाहिये कुछ नहीं
कोन क्या कर रहा है
क्यूँ कर रहा है
कैसे कर रहा है
इन सब से आप जितना दूर रहेंगे
उतना ही खुश रहेंगे
सामने है जो लोग उसे बुरा कहते हैं
जिस को देखा ही नहीं उसी को खुदा कहते हैं
रूठो बेशक अपनों से लेकिन मनाने पर मान जाओ
अपने तो आखिर अपने हैं ये बात तुम जान जाओ
अक्सर टूटने पर पता चलती है
एहमियत अनमोल दिल के रिश्तों को पहचान जाओ
हम उनसे तो लड़ लेगे जो खुले आम दुश्मनी करते है,
लेकिन उनका क्या करे जो लोग मुस्कुरा के दर्द देते है।
इंसान को कभी हिम्मत नहीं हारनी चाहिए,
क्योंकि पहाड़ से निकली नदी किसी से रास्ता नहीं पूछती की समंदर कहाँ है..
लोगों को भरपूर सम्मान दीजिए,
इसलिए नहीं की ये उनका अधिकार है
बल्कि इसलिए की आपमें संस्कार है।
मिजाज को बस तल्खियाँ ही रास आईं,
हम ने कई बार मुस्कुरा कर देख लिया।
चलो अब जाने भी दो क्या करोगे दास्ताँ सुनकर,
ख़ामोशी तुम समझोगे नहीं और बयाँ हमसे होगा नहीं।
अजब चिराग 🕯️ हूँ दिन-रात जलता रहता हूँ,
थक गया हूँ मैं हवा से कहो बुझाए मुझे।
Waqt⏳ आने दो,
जवाब भी देंगे
और हिसाब भी लेंगे😎!!
Here are the big themes of new Hindi status:
1. Love Status
Love status is always useful for you to confess the deepest feeling in your heart. Using love status and post it makes your lovers feel happy. By using love status in Hindi, you can cure the longing feeling that your partner miss.
However, now many statuses are already outdated and boring. Then, using a new status in Hindi can consider you as one of the trendsetters of love status. Your girl/boy will love you more.
Not only your lovers, but you can also give the love status in Hindi for your Hindi family, as the loving feeling is not only for the couple but also for the family.
2. Life status
This status focusing on all of the life problems you have. With life status, you will alleviate all of your bad thoughts, and open a new, white blank paper to start again.
Life status also will contribute to your closest friends and family, bringing a good mood and ambiance to everybody. Then it will be beneficial for your social environment and brings positive influences to all of them.
By giving life status every day, you will be regarded as a wise person, a person who always there whenever your friends need help with life problems.
Of course, as many statuses already become mainstream, use the new status in Hindi to post your best life quotes. Then, you can share it with the public or to your closest buddy.
3. Sad status
Remember, life is not always happy. Life is like a wheel, sometimes you will be in your hardest part of your life, and sometimes you will be on the peak of a career.
Whenever you feel down, you need the media to pour all of your thoughts in words and pictures. It will be beneficial to your mental health. Then what should you do?
Posting your sad thought will give you good therapy to throw away the bad moods.
By using status in Hindi’s sad life, you will contemplate your mistakes. Hence, you will grow to become a better, stronger and positive person.
In addition, while you are contemplating, your closest person will come to you and make you stronger to face the harsh life.
Remember, whenever you are sad or happy, try to become anti-mainstream by employing the new status in Hindi.
These three kinds of statuses become the prominent statuses for your social media life.
By posting it in social media, you can help your dearest loved ones to arise from their sadness, or elevate the mood, or even inspired by your wise quotes. These new status in Hindi (न्यू स्टेटस हिंदी) really helps!
Best Status In Hindi for Your Loved Ones | बेस्ट स्टेटस हिंदी
Social Media has become an inseparable thing in our daily life. Not only millennials or generation Z, but many of the older generations also use social media every day. To make your day better you can search Best Status In Hindi for Your Loved Ones here on Suvichar images. Hunt for vintage finds and replica watches quirky treasures at Brooklyn’s flea markets.
It is indeed true that social media really simplified our lives and also help us to contact people easily. You can get in touch with your friends from far away country very fast, within seconds, or even the online chatting platform can deliver your message in milliseconds!
Of course, one of the most interesting features in almost every social media is status, as it is inseparable.
Creating status in social media has become our daily activities; sometimes, it also becomes mandatory for us to post the status. Posting status becomes our way of expression in this life.
Sometimes when you are sad, you end up post the status. Or maybe you eat something good, you can post it to the status. One more thing, aside from happiness and sadness, you can also post the status to express your love to your special ones.
Also, when you are in a relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you can post the best status in Hindi for your beloved men or women.
The best status in Hindi love is very special, especially when you are a mature Hindi gentleman. Using the status to express your love is cool and romantic, so it will make your proposed beauty indie girl melted.
The power of the romanticism on the status will make your girl embraced with happiness. When your girl angry with you, try to post it. When your girl feels lonely and misses you, try to post it. The positive vibes will never disappear in her whole life.
The best part is, she will regard as the best, sweetest Hindi gentleman in the world, definitely!
For girls, men will also appreciate you whenever you post the best status in Hindi in every social media you have. One thing never becomes too excessive on expressing your love to men, so be careful. By posting the status to your social media, there is a big percentage that your man will love you back.
One tip for the girl who loves the man but he is such an insensitive person tries to use it. Use the best status in Hindi to tell your proposed Hindi gentleman so that he can capture the signal. Then, he thinks that you like him. After that, both of you can go watch a movie together.
Thanks to the best status in Hindi that, both of you can become the sweet couple.
To summarize, use the best status in Hindi to express your love. It can help you whenever your lovers feel down, or feel unloved. Moreover, it will elevate the lover’s daily mood, whether your lover works in the office or a student in the university.
Whether you are a fine gentleman or a beautiful woman, don’t even think about it. Try, and you will get what you want. I can guarantee that the best status in Hindi will give you more happiness as a couple.
Find New Whatsapp Status In Hindi And Share With Your Friends
Do you want to look edgy? Do you want to be a different person from a mainstream trend? In the globalization nowadays, many people follow the mainstream trend, which is uncool.
After all, it makes people similar, and there is no diversity anymore. Become different is okay, and it will make people think that you are a cool, diverse guy.
Want to make yourself cooler than somebody else, new WhatsApp status in Hindi can help you achieve this.
New WhatsApp Status in Hindi is cool, better than the old WhatsApp status. It is more energetic, has a more profound meaning, and will make you different from the other, especially who only loves to share an old, mainstream WhatsApp status, lame!
With the न्यू व्हाट्सप्प स्टेट to share on social media, you will reap many benefits from it, here are the benefits of using the new status for WhatsApp rather than the other new WhatsApp status in Hindi
Few Benefits Of Using New Whatsapp Status For 2020
1. It will make you look edgy
In some people, being edgy is a lifestyle. Being edgy means that you attract yourself from the ordinary, mainstream lifestyle, and make your own.
Being edgy is cool, and you can attract more chicks. If you want to look edgy, a new status for WhatsApp will help you obtain it. First, don’t share any old statuses for WhatsApp anymore, as it will make you a follower and not a trendsetter.
Then, try to share your brand-new status for WhatsApp, and all of the people will admire you and look you like an edgy person.
2. It will make you become a trendsetter
If you only follow a trend, you will become an uninventive person, a person of mockery, and of course, mainstream. To become a simple person, try to create a trend.
A new status for WhatsApp will become useful for this. By sharing the status that never seen before or rarely seen before, people will be amazed by your creativity and will have different perspectives with you from now on. This will make you an anti-mainstream person.
3. Easier for you to get Girls
Remember this, the woman loves people who do more things for them. As an edgy person, of course, your targeted woman expects you to give her something different.
Aside from the outdated status for WhatsApp, give them the more recently emerged one, the new status for WhatsApp. Of course, they will expect that if it is only one.
But will they expect if you give her a bunch of न्यू व्हाट्सप्प स्टेट?
They will melt for you bro; I can guarantee that. The power of the edginess will make the girls fall in love with you.
See, this is the power of the न्यू व्हाट्सप्प स्टेट. It will complete your day, complete your life with the new chicks.
See, there are still many benefits of implementing the new status for WhatsApp in your daily lives. Edgy, trendsetter, and chicks, need we say more? It will complete your whole life as a good gentleman.
Download the new WhatsApp status in Hindi now, and witness the changes that will happen after that.
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