Latest Motivational Suvichar in Hindi on Life for Schools & Students सुविचार
In India, Suvichar is a term that denotes positivity to many. In its transliteration, Suvichar means Thought for the Day. We have a collection of Latest Motivational Suvichar in Hindi for Students, Facebook and WhatsApp with Images.
It may also be defined as Positive Thoughts or Good Thoughts, but in any other definition, the Suvichar has run positivity across the veins of the Hindi nation. The Suvichar has originated from western India of the Marathi people´s language.
This is even integrated into India´s school practices along with “Moral Stories” (Boddh Katha) and “News” (Batmya).
हिंदी सुविचार, सुविचार हिंदी मे आप सभी के लिए. अभी डाउनलोड करेँ!!
सुनकर “जमाने” की बातें…
तू अपनी अदा ना “बदल”…
“यकीं” रख अपने खुदा पे…
यूँ बार बार “खुदा” ना बदल…
सहम सी गयी हैं “ख्वाहिशें”…
जरूरतों ने शायद
उनसे “ऊँची” आवाज़ में बात की होगी…
भलाई करते रहिये “बहते” पानी💧की तरह…
“बुराई” खुद ही किनारे लग जाएगी…
“कचरे” की तरह…
“कल” खो दिया आज के लिए ..
आज खो दिया कल के लिए..
कभी जी न सके हम “आज” आज के लिए..
बीत रही है “ज़िंदगी” कल आज और कल के लिए…
“इंसान” की समझ सिर्फ इतनी है की..
जानवर कहो तो “गुस्सा” हो जाता है…
और “शेर”🐆कहो तो गर्व महसूस करता है…
“होंसले”💪🏽भी किसी हकीम से कम नहीं होते…
हर तकलीफ में “दवा” का काम करते है…
Instilling Good Thoughts in the hearts and minds of children can greatly move their future and their perspective on how they look into themselves as they go for their goals.
If kids have the propensity to make it out of life if supported by the (हिंदी सुविचार) Hindi Suvichar Images, how much more do adults do need them in their very big world.
What Are Suvichar (Quotes) हिंदी सुविचार, सुविचार हिंदी मे?
Quotes are normally connoted to be just a copy out, group of words or phrases that usually indicates an author or a person to whom the statement originates.
But there is more than just the cutting out of phrases that makes the good of it. Every word or phrase relinquished to the public has either positive or negative energies propelled to every hearer.
That is the power of words. It is just the same thing as saying blessings to someone you love or sending curses to those you disgust.
A portion of its energies is sent to direct who the person will become later, either for the good or bad.
For a positive person, words that either bless or criticize may mold him or her to be stronger than he becomes. If this is the case, quotes have a more significant meaning too.
Quotes are powerful words or phrases extracted from great people to bring motivation, meaning, and inspiration in life.
You might want to try it sometime but believe this, once you tried, you’ll be needing it all the more.
Anyhow, words are just words but if empowered just like your (हिंदी सुविचार) Suvichar in Hindi, you’ll be surprised at the benefits.
Why do you need latest Suvichar in Hindi for Students (हिंदी सुविचार, सुविचार हिंदी मे) in Life?
Try to compare two kinds of people in your community. One who is continuously supplemented by good thoughts and ideas versus one who is just overall immersed in work.
If productivity is asked on the matter, they will differ a lot. A man´s greater potential is released more productively when inspired by words that can empower him or her.
The brain is psychologically inclined to be stimulated to bring better clarity to work or at anything they are engaging at if something outside has inspired them from within.
The Hindi Suvichar (हिंदी सुविचार or सुविचार हिंदी मे) has brought a lot of Indian spirits to their best and in no doubt, this can encourage you as much they are encouraged too.
So why do I need one? Try to make a one-week-challenge of posting those Suvichar quotes around your home even in the very wallpaper of your smartphone and see how it can try to move your day and the next.
Don’t you know that whatever energy you attract yourself by the very first light in the morning will affect your whole day?
We just don’t know the things that we will be encountering along the way but if a Suvichar has somehow dictated positivity to you in the first place, your thoughts will fall into place as well.
If you haven’t realized, your teachers since the very childhood years have become a living Suvichar in your own life. With a positive twist, every good and bad experience may turn out to be the very best thing you can have.
Its what made your success today. Now that we don’t have our teachers along with us, a conscious reinforcement of Suvichar is your continuous legacy towards hitting the stars that your teachers aimed you to be one day.
How can Quotes (suvichar in Hindi with images) change your life?
A displeasing boss, a broken prayer, a disappointing outcome or a family issue may surprise you along your day´s hours. We don’t want anything that could mess up our day but what a man is defined to be is on how you acton these surprises.
These things can sound your typical day to day issue that can help you stumble down or lift those knees. For a man that has reinforced himself with daily Suvichar, the aforementioned may look quite different.
If so, you might want to say that it was your boss’s constructive criticism, a timely prayer, a no outcome of learning and an opportunity to help your family grow.
From a seemingly disastrous declaration to a very productive outcome do move the waves of affirmative energy around you.
If you are used to the pessimistic atmosphere and wanting to change the weight of your world, you might as well need a taste of goodness.
Hindi Suvichar is as heart-moving as any other quote the world has known. But what is the edge?
Ever encountered someone who spoke powerfully to you in a foreign language? Compare it with someone who spoke the same ideas but with your native tongue.
In this case, the dramatic movement of the words molds you better like it was speaking directly to your heart.
Somehow it may depend upon preferences but a Hindi Suvichar can talk better to the innermost being of your soul. With your heart shaken from negativity, your perspective in life may change.
This as well can transform the bad things into good things as aforementioned in the first paragraph.
Try to send Suvichar in Hindi Facebook from our website to your dear friends.
A change in Life? Change your perspective. But how will I start it? begin with your “Thought for the Day” and make it count. In the long run, it might be slow but you never know that the heart it has touched now can touch other lives as well.
You can readily recognize people attracted to you as they see how you react in every situation with a thumbs-up in all things.
Benefits of Hindi Quotes (Hindi Suvichar) Images
Most of us are use to be controlled by the swaying of the needs of this world. It could be time, money, possession, food, shelter, clothing and many others that vary from wants and needs.
We are all driven by our thoughts and led by our emotions that cause a sincere drive towards reaching it. But sometimes the drive can be sincerely wrong.
With Hindi Quotes posted in your daily reminders, either by posters or pictures or in your smartphone screen wallpaper, you can reap benefits that you cant imagine you can do.
It may be fast for others or slow to the rest but don’t be discouraged.
Some Benefits -In A Good Way.
1. Clarity of Mind
Positive things in the first place, then the rest of your world will fall into place. This is one good phrase worth repeating.
A mind that has been inspired by a daily dose of inspiration and motivation, especially in your native tongue, makes great results. Results do always manifest the clearness of objectives inside your head which are directly managed by your thoughts.
Your thought is where it begins and its where it shapes you. If those thoughts are made clear in your mind, reinforced with the power of Suvichar, then you are all ready to get a go to the world.
2. Perspective Changing
A leader always has this attribute of changing over the bad towards the good. This might require skill but even for one who only has a life to lead for himself and his family, a change of terms can move mountains.
The Suvichar has a lot to offer for you to be inspired in your day. The more you immerse yourself in it, you can immediately recognize the good words.
3. Productivity Enhancing
In the workplace, a topsy-turvy mind can bring chaos and eventually roots out to the performance of a team.
For you know beforehand that those who spoke those Suvichars has gone great lengths to reach their peak. Hence, so do you, either your challenge is far greater than theirs or just a pinch compared to their issue.
4. Atmosphere Infecting
Getting a hard time how to deal with people? Sometimes, it’s not usually the “They” factor that matters. But it so does dictate the “Me” factor on how you positively see them.
The more positive thoughts you eat up every day, the more you attract people.
कुछ कह गए कुछ सेह गए कुछ कहते कहते रह गए इस ज़िंदगी के खेल में ना जाने कितने रिश्ते डेह गए
कुछ समझ गए कुछ समझा गए कुछ ना समझी करते रह गए …
तूफ़ान की बस आहट सुनके कुछ बिन बरसात🌧ही बह गए
मर्दाना👨🏻कमज़ोरी के इलाज पर रंगी हुई शहर की दीवारें…
और लोग कहते हैं की औरत👩🏻⚕️कमज़ोर है…
कल धुप🌞से परेशान आज तकलीफ बारिश⛈से… शिकायतें बेशुमार है इंसान🤵🏻की आदतों में…
वक़्त से पहले हादसों से लड़ा हूँ में अपनी उम्र से कई साल बड़ा हूँ…
बिन धागे सी बन गयी है ये ज़िंदगी सिलती कुछ नहीं… बस चुभती ही जा रही है…
मुश्किल नहीं है दुनिया में तू बस ज़रा हिम्मत तो कर…
ख्वाब बदलेंगे हक़ीक़त में बस तू ज़रा कोशिश तो कर
दुनिया वो किताब है जो पड़ी नहीं जा सकती…
ज़माना वो उस्ताद है जो सब कुछ सीखा देता है!!!
माना की औरो के मुकाबले कुछ जयादा नहीं पाया मेने …
पर खुश हूँ की खुद “गिरता” और “सम्भलता” रहा किसीको… गिराया नहीं मेने…
उम्र का मोड़ चाहे कोई भी हो…
बस “धड़कनो” में नशा ज़िंदगी जीने का होना चाहिए
पानी “दरिया” में हो या “आँखों” में….
गहराई और राज़ दोनों में होते हैं !!!
चादर मैली.. ते साबन तोडा… बैठ किनारे धोवेंगा… दाग नी छूटने पापां आले… धोवेंगा फिर रोवेंगा …
जीवन का सबसे बड़ा गुरु वक़्त होता है…
जो वक़्त सीखाता है वो कोई और नहीं सीखा सकता..
“स्टेशन” सी हो गयी है ज़िंदगी अपनी…
जहाँ लोग तो बहुत हैं पर “अपना” कोई नहीं…
आहिस्ता चल ऐ ज़िंदगी
कुछ “क़र्ज़” चुकाने बाकी हैं….
कुछ के “दर्द” मिटाने बाकी है…
कुछ “फ़र्ज़” निभाने बाकी हैं …
ज़मीन जल चुकी है…आसमन बाकी है…
सूखे कुँए तेरा इम्तिहान बाकी है ….
बरस जाना वक़्त पर हे मेघ!!
किसी का मकान गिरवी है…
किसी का लगान बाक़ी है ….
“थक” सा गया है मेरी चाहतों का वजूद…
अब कोई अच्छा भी लगे तो “इज़हार” नहीं करता…
नहीं बदल सकते हम “खुद” को औरों के हिसाब से …
एक “लिबास” मुझे भी दिया है खुदा ने…
अपने हिसाब से…
परख से परे है ये शख्सियत मेरी …
मैं उन्ही के लिए हु जो समझे कदर मेरी …
सीने में “धड़कता” जो हिस्सा है…
उसी का तो ये सारा किसा है…
लौटा जो सज़ा काट के बिना “जुर्म” की…
घर आके उसने सारे “परिंदे” रिहा किये …
तोहीन ना कर शराब को “कड़वा” कह के…
“ज़िंदगी” के तुजुर्बे शराब से भी कड़वे होते हैं…
दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत पौधा “विश्वास” का होता है
जो “ज़मीन” पर नहीं
दिलो में उगता है…
जो कभी “ना” भर पाए ऐसा भी एक घाव है,
…जी हाँ..
उसका नाम “लगाव” है …
एक “रोटी” भी न मिली उस नादाँ को
वो तस्वीर बिकी “लाखो” की…
जिसमे वो “भूखा” बैठा था
मुझे अब तकलीफ नहीं होती चाहे कितनी ऊंचाइयों से गिराया जाए …
क्यूंकि मुझे उन हाथो ने धक्का दिया है जिन पे खुद से ज्यादा भरोसा था…
अपने पैरो में खड़े हो कर मरना…
घुटने टेक कर जीने से कहीं बेहतर है…
थोड़ा और बताओ मुझे मेरे बारे में
सुना है..
बहुत अछे से जानते हो तुम मुझे…
फितरत किसी की यूँ न आजमाया कर…
हर शख्स अपने आप में लाजवाब होता है…
खुलकर जीने का शौक भी है ज़िंदगी का…
मगर ज़िम्मेवारियों ने जकड़ रखा है…
हस्ते हुए गरीब को देखा तो समझ आया…
खुशियों का तालुक दौलत से नहीं होता…
सबसे बड़ा गुरु ठोकर है,
खाते जाओ… सीखते जाओ …
हम आइना है आइना ही बन कर रहेंगे…
फ़िक्र वो करें..
जिनकी शकलों में कुछ.. और दिलों में कुछ और है..
जिन्हे आपको गलत समझना है…
वो लोग आपके मौन का भी गलत अर्थ निकाल लेंगे…
चार दोस्त…
दो साईकिल ..
खाली जेब ..
और पूरा शहर ..
जनाब हमारा खूबसूरत दौर ये भी था ज़िंदगी का
उस दौर में हम सोचा करते थे की बेहतर हासिल करेंगे..
हमे क्या पता था उससे बेहतर कुछ था ही नहीं…
वक़्त गूंगा नहीं… बस मौन है…
वक़्त आने पे बता देता है किसका कोन है…
बाहर की चुनौतियों से नहीं
हम अपनी अंदर की कमजोरियों से हारते हैं…
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Good thought bro…very well executed through images.